Ometeotl und Omecihuatl0
The rediscovery of true time
The Mexican Calendar
Small and Large Cycles of the Galaxy
- The Mexican Calendar
- The Book of Days and Destinies: Chuenil Kin
- Small and large cycles of the galaxy
- On the way towards 2013-2026: the time of transformation
- Hunab-Ku, science and spirituality
- The western point of view: the galactic center
- The center of the galaxy from the Maya perspective

The Mexican new year can begin either at sunrise, at noon, at sunset or at midnight. The names of the respective years are:

Time of day Nahuatl-name Maya-name English name
sunrise Totchtli Lamat rabbit
midday Acatl Ben reed
sunset Tecpatl Edznab flint
midnight Calli Akbal house

On 11 August 1999 the last solar eclipse of the last century took place. In the minds of many people it was a symbol of the end of the millennium. The associated expectations and fears activated the collective consciousness of the humankind.

On 11 March 2000 the third small 13-year cycle started with the Year of Flint (1 Edznab). During this period it becomes possible to create a stronger connection with the energy of the Universe, and therefore also with our inner power. This enables us to expand our perception.

On 20 May 2012 (4 Ben, 13 Pop) a solar eclipse will take place, which is an important omen. 16 days later, on 5 June, the Sun will align with TSAB (the Pleiades), which is a sign of change. These two astronomical phenomena support the energy of the Winter Solstice.

Classification of the last 52-year cycle, changes of the time of day and the corresponding forces:


The diagram shows the four cardinal directions with their corresponding energies and the names of the years. According to the Mexican beliefs, changes of the time of day (sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight) are the moments, when time breaks and transforms itself to welcome new forces. It is the time to open the doors to the energy and to cross the bridge between the material world and the "impossible" world of Nahual.

Tezkatlipoka. The power of transformation. The year of Akbal (House) begins at midnight.

Huitziloposhtli. The power of deep will. The beginning of the year of Ben (Reed) is celebrated at midday.

Xipe Totek. The power of high consciousness. The beginning of the year of Eznab (Flint) is celebrated at sunset.

Quetzalcoatl. The power of intelligence. The year of Lamat (Rabbit) begins at sunrise.

Every 52 years a cycle comes to an end. In a special ritual the old fire is extinguished and a new flame is ignited as a symbol of the continuity of life.

The period of transformation is the time of cleansing and rebirth of the human beings: now, as a society, we have the opportunity to leave the old habits and patterns behind us, so that we can begin a new life. Our inner "ancient wisdom" will be awakened and liberated. Independently from the calendar, we celebrate the ceremony of purification and rebirth in our personal lives every 52 years.

The 52-year cycle is divided into four small cycles of 13 years each, which are called Xiuhmolpilli. This calendar is based upon the observations of migration of Orion (Mamalhuaztli) through the zenith on the day of the Winter Solstice.